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LIPTON Teas and Infusions is the world leader in the category with a unique portfolio of famous brands, all meaningful to consumers either locally or globally.

Lipton, the pioneer and reference consumer brand of all, is the inspiration for our company’s name – a signifier of excellence, expertise and quality in the world’s favorite beverage after water.

Each of our brands uniquely expresses the universal pleasure of a lovely cup of tea or herbal infusion through a personalized daily ritual – perfectly suited to every individual’s culture, habits and preferences.

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Tradition and quality go hand in hand.

We apply rigorous methods of cultivation and selection, strong protocols to profile taste, appearance and mouthfeel, as well as high levels of traceability and quality control.

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Our brands as a force for good

As well as contributing to the wellbeing of 400 million consumers every day, we are committed to creating a positive social and environmental impact.

Together, we represent 17,000 employees across the world, working daily to improve the way we source, grow, distribute and market our products.
